P4061787.JPG Neck of detector. Center flange, with lots of bolts, was built by UCB. |
P4061788.JPG Bringing in the electronics racks. |
P4061789.JPG Floor of E-hut in place. |
P4061791.JPG Shiny aluminum floor. |
P4061792.JPG Top flange. Boxes in foreground numbered 24, 23,22 are load sensors for the rope holding up the balloon. |
P4061793.JPG W/o flash. Hi-tech pipe support. |
P4061794.JPG View between the load sensor boxes. |
P4061795.JPG Hoisting up an electronics rack. |
P4061796.JPG Heave Ho! |
P4061798.JPG The walls go up. |
P4061802.JPG Racks in position. L to R. Shuichiro, Stuart, Jesse, Brian, Leo, Yuen-dat, Bob. |
P4061803.JPG Looking through the racks toward the wall of the dome, with cables coiled in the background. |
P4061804.JPG Time-lapse photography would have been great, here. |
P4061805.JPG More walls go up. |
P4061806.JPG Bringing in the panels from the drift through the cleaning area. |