04/04/01 Catalog 1-15 | 16-30 | 31-45 | 46-60 | 61-75 | 76-90 | 91-105 | 106-120 | 121-135 | 136-150 | 151-165 | 166-180 | 181-195 | 196-210 | 211-225 | 226-236

p4081884 p4081885 p4081886 p4081887 p4081888
P4081884.JPG P4081885.JPG
This and the next five photos are stitched together to make a panorama.
P4081886.JPG P4081887.JPG P4081888.JPG
p4081889 p4081890 kamland_panorama p4081891 p4081892
P4081889.JPG P4081890.JPG KamLAND panorama
Panorama of KamLAND deck, with e-Hut in background.
The roof. Look at all that storage area!
Cables and gauges.
p4081893 p4081894 p4081895 p4081896 p4081898
P4081893.JPG P4081894.JPG
Bruce and Jesse.
IBM computers in the control room. Photo by Yuen-dat.
Ethernet hubs. (Yuen-dat.)
Doing e-mail in the control room. What you can't see here is the firewall that made this an excrutiating experience.