P4081866.JPG The roof is on! |
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P4081869.JPG Passing inspection. |
P4081870.JPG Some people are just too powerful for a flimsy Tyvek suit. |
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P4081883.JPG The seal where the cables pass through the neck wall into the stainless steel sphere. (No flash.) |
P4081873.JPG The seal where the cables pass through the neck wall into the stainless steel sphere. |
P4081874.JPG Small hoists. |
P4081875.JPG Big hoist. |
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P4081877.JPG |
P4081878.JPG HEPA filter bringing air from the cavity below into the deck area. |
P4081881.JPG The white stalagtite (stalagmite?) is like a crystalline salt tube. It is hollow, with an inside diameter of about 1/8 inch. Very fragile. |
P4081882.JPG The forbidden valve. |